Brown Bag Lunch Program
Healthy Lunches, Delivered
If you have identified children in your school without a lunch, we want to help! Please contact the Head Office to arrange a weekly lunch delivery.
Kids Klub’s Brown Bag Lunch Program is a service that provides lunches to any elementary and middle school in the Saanich, Victoria, and Sooke school districts who have identified children coming to school without lunches. This free service delivers over 3200 nutritious lunches to students each month. Hunger can limit a child’s ability to succeed. Our goal is that these lunches help children in our community focus, achieve more, and energize their time at school.
It is a challenge to feed the children in need in our community, so we are very thankful to the following organizations who play a vital role in making these lunches possible:
Great Pacific Mortgages
Lone Eagle Holdings Limited
The Victoria Foundation
Brookfield GIS Workplace Solutions INC
The Beatrice Stevens Memorial Foundation Inc.
Rotary Club of Victoria-Harbourside
Heirloom Linens
The Cridge Centre for the Family
The Sovereign Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller-Victoria Commandery
We are also thankful to all private donors, any other donors and staff who donate to this valuable program.